Linda and Don came in June. Linda helped me decorate Bill's new office while they were here and Don helped hang pictures and move computers. The grandkids loved spending time with Uncle Don - a great kid pleaser.
Here is Linda and Don with Sadie, Hannah and Abby.
Here are some pictures of the fruits of labors in Bill's new office.
Brent's family helped us trim the trees in the backyard. These are the fastest growing trees you ever saw. My Dad had Brent plant them when we moved in over 4 years ago and they have grown 5-7 feet every year. They are some kind of Austrian shade tree he ordered off the TV. We can't even keep up with them.
Here is Bill with Larry and Burna outside Bill's new office building.
We took them out to eat at the "Jazz" - a Louisiana, Cajun restaurant. We all had Chicken a la Mer, my favorite. We also went to Cabela's since they had never been to one. They were "thrilled" to see the aquarium and all the stuffed animals. We called it the "dead zoo".
A kind person took our picture. Here we are: Larry, Burna, Sandy and Bill.
Nathan and Kristy's family also came for a visit in August. Brent's and Nathan's kids really bonded and had a great time together.
Here are Christian and Sadie,
Here are the guys before we left Platte City: Dave, Jim, Tom and Bill